It’s really not uncommon to ‘do everything right’, yet end up with a unifi CloudKey that is messed up after clicking update in the web ui/app. Various things can cause this, from out of sequence updates, to the base software getting downgraded when the firmware is updated etc. If you are here, you already know […]
Windows 10 – Don’t panic
Windows 10 is here! Windows 10 is a great OS, so don’t be afraid to upgrade. It is fast and really simple to use. Don’t be daunted by the start menu, just begin typing what you are looking for (after you click start). Instant search is great, and much quicker than looking for the apps/settings/programs […]
Domain server network connections unauthenticated or on “Public” network
Picture this: Everything on your network is running fine, multiple sites, multiple VPNs, multiple domains. The site may or may not be virtualized. Something dramatic happens (lets say a power cut to the head office). All the equipment comes back up in a strange order (servers before SAN, Exchange before AD etc). You get the […]
Warning – NICE Blood Results Email Scam
If you haven’t heard already, you should be aware of the latest variant of email scam that is circulating. Traditionally scammers offer a financial reward, or attempt to convince you that there is a problem with online banking in order to get victims to reveal confidential information. The latest sick attempt to entice people into […]
Considerations and risks when choosing a managed IT service
Welcome to our first post of the new year! Fully managed (or outsourced) IT is a very large part of the IT industry nowadays. More and more companies are seeing outsourcing the IT as an option. Price, convenience and offloading of the complexity of IT can seem very attractive. In a lot of ways this […]
All hosting is not equal – beware of the risks of free hosting
Over the years, we have tried and tested many different types of VPS/Web hosting. It greatly depends what you are looking to host when it comes to deciding on the price you should pay. For quite a while we have referred 000webhost to clients who really are on a budget. Having used this host for test/dev. sites […]
All pages except the home page broken after moving WordPress or 500 Server Error misconfiguration problems
Recently, I moved a whole WordPress installation from one host to another. The domain name stayed the same (Although during test, moving to a subdomain was pretty simple too). The Official documentaion ( ) is some help, but there are some gotchas along the way too. The result of this was initially the site didn’t load […]
Removing a child domain that no-longer exists
Rarely, a situation may arise where a child domain has been created in Active Directory, and the DC in that domain is no longer available. You are then left with a situation where you can’t contact the domain to either remove the objects, or the domain itself. Remove all the DNS entries for the […]
Server 2012 Remote Desktop Services VDI Installation Fails
There are a few articles explaining how easy it is to set up RDS or VDI in Server 2012. Well it may not be so easy, depending if you have installed windows updates (specifically KB2821895 ) or you have chosen VMware to host the RDS server. As of today, if you cannot install RDS on Server 2012 […]
Security in Lincolnshire Schools
More Coming Soon! Recently I was asked to set up a computer for someone who had bought a laptop from a Lincolnshire school. Little could I have imagined what data was still left on it, easily recoverable by anyone. Luckily it fell into my hands, and not anyone else. How the school dealt with this was […]